This site is a collection of collaborations mimo, damo, kmo and now T! have done over years and continue to do with many fantastic musicians and awesome people we have been fortunate to connect with..! All resulting music we will post here...
the three main projects thus far have been
_-: hypoxia-beach :-_ <- duNGor -> expendableCrewmember

Hypoxia Beach was formed when Damo, Kmo, Mimo and Vandy got together and started jamming in Beeton. Many awsome nights of jamming ensued with different musicians attending - Tim, Andrew, Marinanne, Liam... The band commenced working on Close Cover Before Striking - a CD that featured a unique album cover design that looked like a matchbook with a folding cover that contained the CD. Andrew and Marianne were instrumental in bringing the CD to reality hosting the band on two marathon sessions in Ottawa to record. A third session with Luc from ondespiral mixed and mastered the CD and artwork produced by K&A. The CD charted on college stations, and was featured on indie hour on CFNY.
HB Music continued with Miker, Miko, Willeh, Liam and Rollie contributing to songs that became the second CD Society... Live gigs were performed in Ottawa, Barrie and Calgary...